Here's another selection of things from Pinterest and around the web.
This photo is of a component from a rocket that has been printed. NASA is looking into creating more of it's parts this way. They hope using this method will reduce production costs as well as time.
This is an image of a futuristic concept that uses protocells to create a skin that reacts to pressure and is able to adjust itself accordingly by swelling up or contracting. The shoes almost become a living organism and need to be immersed in nutrient to recharge and even repair itself. These kind of materials might be popular in the future for all kinds of materials that involve physical contact with organic surfaces.
This is a pasta printer that can create 20 pieces of pasta in two minutes which while might not be commercially viable yet, the speed has improved ten fold from the last prototype. The inventor of this machine hopes to have one of these units in every restaurant within a decade, printing out custom pastas to customers requests.
This image is of a propeller engine that was printed out in pieces and the snapped together. Creating the tabs and fasteners to achieve this is one of the techniques I wish to learn.
This is a working bearing system that was printed out as one piece. This would be the ideal way to print out complicated items in the future and combined with dual material printers the possibility of real time device manufacture is achievable.
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