Saturday 19 April 2014

Here are some more things I found cool this week. First one is a handy way to give printed models a glossy smooth surface.

This method is quite a simple way to finish your models. It involves a hotplate, a glass jar and some acetone. Sounds dangerous but the method looks pretty straightforward and would be a great way to make your prints into display quality items.

3D-printed food by Janne Kytannen

I like this photo and I would like to think in the future you can get cereal printed out in custom shapes just for fun. As far as foods go, cereal would probably be the easiest to produce printing in 3D as they are quite manufactured anyway.
Open Source Action Figure with 70 Points of Articulation (aka Dexter) by jasonwelsh - Thingiverse
This is a model that is available on the website It is a highly articulated action figure that is printed in pieces and then assembled. Finding models to print out is getting easier every day. In the future it is possible people will buy objects online, download the plans and print the item at home.
3d printed ceramic Artefact 54E by nic022 on shapeways
This object was printed in ceramic. This is an interesting material to use as it seems to be able to produce a smoother surface and would be a better texture to paint. For artistic sculptures and display models, ceramic would be the material of choice.
Chinese company 3D prints 10 houses in a day from recycled material

This image is of printed walls of a house. The material used is mostly derived from waste products. Producing houses this way could be a very low cost and potentially environmentally friendly way to solve  issues such as homelessness in third world countries and quickly rebuilding after disasters.

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